Virtual Coaching: 9 sessions
Sign up here for 12 sessions of Virtual Coaching
Service Description
Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’. Picture Coaching as a sailing boat, where you are the Capitan that invites a Coach to accompany on the trip. The coach will handle all the instruments you will need in the crossing, but never will be on command. The personal benefits of coaching are as wide-ranging as the individuals involved. Our clients report that coaching positively impacted their careers as well as their lives by helping them to establish and take action towards achieving goals and become more self-reliant. Benefits of Executive Coaching: • Heightened self-awareness • Improved self-regulation • Higher levels of empathy • Boost in cognition at work • Increased levels of motivation • Stronger social skills • Improved leadership abilities

Contact Details
Riverside, CA, USA